Monday, December 31, 2007

Wow. I've been looking at that picture (at the top of the page) and only saw the four of us. Just now I noticed that guy by the microwave. I am, literally, laughing out loud, because I'm remembering how crazy that guy must have thought we were. We are of course, more awesome than crazy, but I really like how that guy is just bumming around in the background of so many of the pictures from that night.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sorry about the e-mail you all received from Blogger Support. I logged on and it said I wasn't a member of any blog, and I got confused. But it's all worked out now. One of the problems with having two Oberlin e-mail addresses is that I sometimes forget which one I'm using for different things.

I preached in church today, and I talked about how God loves bodies and all that. I even talked about Jesus' sexuality. I quoted you anonymously, Linden, as one response I had received when I talked about Jesus' sexuality (I quoted you as saying AAAAAAHHHH!).

I got a lot of comments like "That gave me a lot to think about" and "It's nice that you shook things up a little." I don't know whether or not they agreed with me, but they were at least proud and supportive. One person commented to my dad that "I guess Oberlin has really radicalized Kathryn." I took that as a compliment. I only had one person tell me that she disagreed with my proposition that Jesus was a sexual being (of course, more people might have thought it).

This was a very important step for me, because I really wrote this theology for my home church communities like First Baptist Madison and PCC. At the end of the day, they didn't even throw me out of church like Jesus' home church members did. I guess I'll have to try harder next time. :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

I went to see Sweeney Todd yesterday. Since the movie was so hyped, I expected to really love it or really hate it. As it turns out, neither was the case. I liked the acting, though it was a little odd how much Alan Rickman's character and the guy who played the Beadle resembled their respective roles in Harry Potter (Snape and Wormtail). Helena Bonham Carter was more able to separate Mrs. Lovett from Bellatrix Lestrange. I was a little sad that they cut the chorus numbers from the show. No "attend the tale of Sweeney Todd/he served a dark and a vengeful god" to be had here. But I thought the boy who played Toby was stellar.
That had absolutely nothing to do with cupcakes. Neither does this: I went to Half-Price Books (20% off everything sale!) and got Teenagers from Outer Space for $4, which I then watched and enjoyed with a friend. As it turns out, they watched TfOS on Mystery Science Theater 3000. It may be necessary to find that episode (404).

While I was poking around H-PB, I looked at this book called 'Picture Knitting' and read some of their instructions for colorwork. When I went home and worked on that thing I'm making for Danielle, I did the color changes correctly, so there are no little nubs of color in the wrong places! I have always been really terrible at knitting when it comes to colorwork. So it's really cool that I sort of understand it at little bit better now.

Also, I got an iPod for Christmas! Any ideas on the coolest knit case I could make for it? I made a friend one that looked like a squid...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Speaking of cupcakes... I went to the doctor to see if we could figure out why I had so many episodes of diarrhea and vomiting last semester. She had me collect a stool sample, which I at last was able to successfully complete tonight. It's rather fascinating to dig out pieces of my poop to put into little containers. In a, you know, disgusting kind of way. And then I got to seal the containers in plastic Ziploc bags that had orange warning signs and BIOHAZARD written on them. It tickles me that I regularly emit biohazards into the world.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

i got got 'vegan cupcakes take over the world!' for christmas. be prepared. there will be cupcakes. it will be joyous. stay tuned for pictures.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Also, website = amazing.
So... Merry Christmas!!!!!!

How is everyone doing?

Also, I have been sick(ish) and do not have to go to an onerous family party where I am made very conscious of the fact that I am not, actually, a blood relative and should go hide my face in shame. However, my brothers will bring me cookies. So everything is perfect.
I heard "Last Christmas" by WHAM! in the doctor's office yesterday, and thought of you guys.
Hey all - the blog's lookin' shiny!

Things are going well in Minnesota. There's a sufficient amount of snow to justify it being the end of December. Two of the three services I played in this weekend went well. The third (the Christmas Eve service last night) would have been great...if I'd been miked on either of the two songs my dad and I played. Oh well.

My dad's new 12-string guitar is really neat. Everything played on it sounds really Beatle-y. (The recognizable jangly sound in the Beatles songs is due to the 12-string guitars they played.) Since that's the new guitar, I no longer feel quite as scared to play my dad's other really nice 6-string (normal) guitar. So I've been playing that a lot. And, of course, practicing 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun' on his mandolin.

I hope you are all having a merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2007

I like what you've done to the site, Linden.

Okay, team, so I've sent you all my Capstone project. I have to turn it into a 12-minute sermon by Sunday. I would appreciate any ideas you might have.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

also, i started knitting my mom's christmas present. which is this:
bethany, i know you've already seen it.

so yeah, hopefully i will have it done before february. also, if you guys want anything special for february presents, let me know! especially with post holiday sales and all that.

my friend allie is flying in from texas tomorrow and i am super excited to see her. she's going to be here for like two weeks. it will be intense. sadly, though, esther is going to france on january 2. lame face. i mean, actually, it's pretty awesome that she's going to france, just lame that i won't see her for a long time.

it was also cool to be at church today and it's really great to be able to walk around outside without a jacket on.


i'm going to go watch christmas movies or go to goodwill now. or both. hmmmm.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

So... As you all may have noticed, I missed our breakfast on Thursday, reason being that I slept until 11:30. Yeah. So... thanks to Cassie I didn't miss my actual flight, but I did miss you guys. :(

I'm currently in Missouri, listening to my brother (Sam, the older one) and Elly play catch with a Nerf football, which I told them was wimpy, but apparently Sam actually broke a lamp with it, he threw it so hard. Seriously, how hard do you have to throw a *nerf* football to break a fixture reinforced with metal?

Also, am trying to study for Orgo. It's easier here than it ever was at school, which makes me wonder how condusive to anything productive that whole atmosphere is. Like... here, everything is much clearer and easier to focus on. That might just be because my mom is here or I'm home, but for whatever reason, everything academic simply makes more sense. Arg. So, yeah, really glad I took an incomplete.

Um... that's basically all I have to say right now. Everyone should post, and then we would all, you know, kit. And such. So... yeah, merry christmas!
well, friends. i have again successfully traversed the vast wilderness that is our dear country to return to my humble point of origin. within the first few hours of being home, i met friends from church i haven't seen in ages and went on a slurpee run, my parents made vegan chocolate chip bread, my uncle flew in from portland (oregon, thank goodness) and my brother left his scythe, his phone and his computer in my room after trying to chop me up and showing me clips from episodes of scrubs. (the scythe was actually plastic). and then i slept for a long time. and now i am having a difficult time spelling words correctly, but due to the miracles of modern technology, it is probably difficult for you to tell. also, listening to regina spektor a lot.

so i'm psyched to be home, but also miss you guys already. so, keep in touch already! also, if you send me your addresses, i promise i will send you weird postcards. :D

sincerely, l. face, esq.