Friday, December 28, 2007

That had absolutely nothing to do with cupcakes. Neither does this: I went to Half-Price Books (20% off everything sale!) and got Teenagers from Outer Space for $4, which I then watched and enjoyed with a friend. As it turns out, they watched TfOS on Mystery Science Theater 3000. It may be necessary to find that episode (404).

While I was poking around H-PB, I looked at this book called 'Picture Knitting' and read some of their instructions for colorwork. When I went home and worked on that thing I'm making for Danielle, I did the color changes correctly, so there are no little nubs of color in the wrong places! I have always been really terrible at knitting when it comes to colorwork. So it's really cool that I sort of understand it at little bit better now.

Also, I got an iPod for Christmas! Any ideas on the coolest knit case I could make for it? I made a friend one that looked like a squid...


Kathryn said...

Sure it has something to do with cupcakes. For all you know, it could have been cupcakes that I successfully converted into a biohazard.

You should make a knit case that looks like a pea pod. Then it could really be an iPod.

linden said...

knit a case that looks like an ipod. it'll be meta.

or one that looks like godzilla.

or a GIANT LOBSTER!!!! also, that's totally sweet that you got teenagers from outer space. i don't think i said that already.

Kathryn said...

I really like Linden's iPod idea.

bdraeger said...

ipod ipod case it is.
